Lytton Guimaraes 10/06/2017 – Publicado en: Autores
PhD and MA, Michigan State University; MA and BA, University of Kentucky. Senior Associate Researcher, PósGraduate Programme on Society, Development and International Cooporation, Coordinator, Asian Studies Center, University of Brasilia. Formally a Research Fellow at Michigan State University; Associate Professor at Kentucky State University; Lecturer/Assistant Professor at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Invited lecturer at universities in the US, Japan, China (Beijing and Macau), Mexico, Colombia, Germany, Great Britain, Soviet Union/Russia, Ukrane, Poland. Consultant for international organizations such as The Organization of American States (Colombia), Food and Agricultural Organization (Colombia), Inter-American Development Bank (México). Editor of books on innovation and the transfer of technology, on Asia-Latin America; author of book chapters, articles, and papers presented at various international meetings and conferences. Most recent areas of research: East Asia, India, BRICS, Innovation and Development.